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It’s That Time of Year Again!

It’s that time of year again, that time of year where the weather is changing. The air is getting colder, the wind is kicking up and it’s time for us to break out our scarves and coats. Winter is about to set in. It’s also that time where people start getting sick with colds and...

Facebook Attention Whores

Social networking. It was designed with the intention of connecting with family, friends and coworkers to further relationships, to bring us all closer as a world community to share wonderful experiences and knowledge. It was something that had such possibilities to change the world and society for the better, a convergence of ideas and thoughts...

Hey Vegans, enough!

Part of what’s great about life is the diversity of people we get to meet and interact with every day. We get to experience new people, languages, cultures and lifestyles just through our interactions at work, play and on-line. Through the use of Facebook and Twitter, we have an opportunity to interact with people from...